What to wear
Clothing: The attire for classes and the practicas (practices) is generally casual. Jeans are acceptable, and you will see a variety of “dressiness” at the practicas. The most important thing is that you are comfortable. Layering is always a good idea because even when it’s cold outside, you can become quite warm after dancing a while.
Attire for milongas (the social dances) is generally more dressy and sometimes even elegant. How dressy you want to get depends on the milonga AND your mood. If you feel like getting really “decked out”, do. If you are feeling a little more casual, wear a nice skirt/pants and top. Strapless dresses can work, but you will probably feel more comfortable with something attached to your shoulders. Tight skirts and pants do not allow the leg extension necessary in Tango and can be restrictive.
Shoes: Until you’re “hooked” on Tango and feel that intense need to buy multiple pairs of Tango shoes, all you need are shoes that have a soft or leather sole that will pivot easily on the floor. Rubber soled shoes do not work.
If you're interested in heels, we recommend you make sure they attach to your foot (open backed shoes, sandals, clogs, etc. don’t work for Tango). Platform shoes do not work well for Tango and will most likely hurt your feet. If you know you’re committed and want to spend the money, you can find dance shoes at any dance store, including practice shoes and dance sneakers.
Once you are ready to spend the money, Tango shoes are also available through local teachers and online outlets.